Bet Yaakov of the Jersey Shore is dedicated to providing a quality Limudei Kodesh and general studies education for students in preschool, elementary school and high school.

The academic, spiritual and social development of each student is cultivated in a secure and encouraging environment. Students are instilled with a love for Torah and a pride in their rich heritage. Singular focus is placed on maximizing the potential of each student and preparing them to be productive and successful members of society.

At Bet Yaakov We Provide....

» a comprehensive research based education.

» a Limudei Kodesh curriculum that instills in our students a love for תורה and מצוות and imbues them with .יראת שמים

» a skill-based חומש program that fosters independent learning.

» an Ivrit B’Ivrit Hebrew language curriculum that builds a solid foundation for reading, writing, and speaking Hebrew.

» self-study programs encompassing ידיעות כלליות, ברכות and מאמרי חז”ל

» a cumulative פרשה curriculum where students amass knowledge and retain key lessons from each .פרשה

» timeless lessons that facilitate the development of fine character, respectful behavior and acts of .חסד

» an extensive מדות program that inculcates מדות טובות and encourages personal growth.

» a general studies curriculum that is aligned with the Common Core State Standards and is designed with the goal of college and career readiness.

»“The Reading Spiral”, a customized reading curriculum based on the Fountas and Pinnell Literacy System, that focuses on developing critical thinking skills through guided and independent reading.

» a writing specialist who guides the teachers in structuring their writing curriculum based on Lucy Caukins Units of Study and ensures that each student masters the five stages of writing development in each of the writing genres.

» a math curriculum that utilizes manipulatives to teach key concepts and emphasizes the conceptual aspect of mathematical equations.

» a social studies curriculum that utilizes interactive notebooks, research reports, and independent study.

» a fully equipped computer lab where students become technologically savvy and proficient in Microsoft Word and keyboarding skills.

» a state of the art science lab where students are immersed in the STEM science curriculum.

» a professional resource room under the direction of an experienced & certified reading specialist which ensures that every student is proficient in kriah and reading.

» differentiated instruction that caters to each student’s individual learning style.

»enrichment activities for gifted students.